A man draws a bird on a napkin
Another man next to him asked how much for it?
The man said, 1 million dollars 👇
“A million dollars?” the man exclaimed. “That only took you thirty seconds!”
The first man said, “But it took me fifty years to learn how to draw that in thirty seconds.”
→ The artist was Pablo Picasso
→ He was siting in a cafe
→ When the man next to him recognized him
→ And asked him to sell it to him
True mastery is extremely valuable
→ Malcom Gladwell says it takes a person 10,000 hours to become a Master of Their Craft
→ In sales, you need to be a Master of Your Craft
it takes:
→ Patience
→ Commitment
→ Dedication
→ Persistence
→ Knowledge
→ Preparation
→ Adaptability
→ Focus
When you invest in your growth and commitment to mastering sales, it will pay dividends.
Your expertise becomes your unique value.
Setting you apart and commanding respect and recognition.
P.S. Are you a Master of Your craft in anything?
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10,000 Hours

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