Written by 12:13 am BDR, BDR Mentality, Tips, Uncategorized

Sales rhythm is real

⭐ Michael Jackson had great rhythm.
What if he didn’t?
What if you don’t have a good rhythm in sales? πŸ‘‡

Your rhythm is everything, especially when you start to hit your stride. 🎯
β†’ Don’t you hate when it gets broken?
β†’ It’s the heartbeat of executing your sales plan.
β†’ Building and growing your business.

It took me a long time to figure out what works for me.
Here are a few tips I’ve learned along the way:

β†’ Love the process, even the challenging parts like prospecting, building a target list, and messaging.
β†’ Love what you may hate doing.
β†’ Block out time during the day and look forward to it.
β†’ Protect your rhythm at all costs.
β†’ Stay confident in your approach while being open to constructive feedback.

πŸ‘Š Action conquers fear.
πŸ’ͺ Hustle and Grind always wins.

P.S. What are your strategies for maintaining your sales rhythm?

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Anthony Lobosco

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