Cold Calling

17 Cold call strategies for BDR’s

BDR, Cold Calling

Cold calling is a crucial skill for Business Development Representatives (BDRs). It can open doors to new opportunities, build...
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The Art of Cold Calling: Strategies for Success

BDR, Cold Calling, Demand Generation

Cold calling can be one of the most challenging aspects of sales, but with the right approach, it can also be one of the most rewarding....
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How Many Calls Your BDR Teams Need to Make: A Data-Driven Guide

BDR, Cold Calling, Pipeline Generation

Compliments of Salestrail If you Googled that headline, most probably you’ll land on some page or article giving you the 60 or 100 dials...
Read More Read More: How Many Calls Your BDR Teams Need to Make: A Data-Driven Guide

The Underrated Power of Cold Calls

Cold Calling

In today’s digital age, where emails, social media, and automated marketing dominate the landscape, cold calls often receive a bad rap....
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Your Next Decision: Why How You Act Is Most Important in Cold Calling Sales

Cold Calling

Cold calling has long been a topic of both fascination and trepidation. For some, it’s a necessary evil, while for others, it’s...
Read More Read More: Your Next Decision: Why How You Act Is Most Important in Cold Calling Sales

Shake It Off and Move On: Bouncing Back After a Bad Cold Call

Cold Calling

Cold calling in sales can be a rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs. On some days, you’ll have great conversations and close...
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Dialing Up the Fun: How Making Cold Calls Exciting Can Revamp Your Sales Game

Cold Calling

Cold calling gets a bad rap. Many sales professionals dread the thought of picking up the phone and reaching out to potential clients,...
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The Winning Formula: 10 Steps to Ensure BDRs Always Win Call Blitzes

call blitz, Cold Calling

Call blitzes are the battlegrounds where Business Development Representatives (BDRs) prove their mettle. These high-intensity calling...
Read More Read More: The Winning Formula: 10 Steps to Ensure BDRs Always Win Call Blitzes

Do eyes smile? Guest Blogger, Ed Finn

Authentic, Cold Calling, First Impression, Selling Strategies

Great observation on the science of selling in this new COVID world by our Guest Blogger, Ed Finn.
Read More Read More: Do eyes smile? Guest Blogger, Ed Finn
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