BDR Mentality

Farmers vs. Hunters in Sales: Bridging the Gap in a Digital Age

BDR Mentality, Farming, Hunting, Marketing Strategies, Omnichannel, Pipeline Generation

Farmers and Hunters are two different breeds of salespeople.  Or are they.  Generally, a farmer is someone who develops existing...
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The Sales Athlete: Building and Flexing Your Sales Muscles

BDR Mentality, Motivation

Like any athlete, salespeople must follow a rigorous training regimen to stay at the top of their g…
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The Power of Adopting a BDR Mindset in Sales: A Game-Changer

BDR Mentality

When I tell people I’m a sales pro with a BDR Mindset, most look at me like I’m crazy.. Well mostly the ones that can’t...
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